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SMPD is well known for there impressive approach to giving you the solution best fit for your needs and your pocket. Take a look at our 7 step prosess to get you from start to finish .

Step 1

Deciding what you want.
Gather a bunch of inspiration and information so you can design your dream.

Step 3

Design Stage.
Our skilled and dedicated team come together with you to design your desired product with the best solution for your needs.


Step 2

Project briefing and quote.
We walk you through the prosess and finalize expectation.

Step 4

Check measure.
Our team of professionals evaluate and exicute the layout.

Step 5

Site Preperation.
Pre-development stage allowing for site readiness and saftey.


Step 6

Delivery & labour.
Our compitent staff bring together your dream and bring it to reality.

Step 7

Final Inspection & Handover.
Independant inspection is completed with certification and the keys are yours!

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